Lenovo 100s 11.6 W10 $199

Lenovo 100s-11IBY Laptop in good condition. Light duty, good for internet based use, Zoom, Facebook, email, school etc. Not a gamer. The 11.6" Screen makes it small and portable, but large enough to still be easy on the eyes.

1.333-1.85GHz Atom Z3735f Quad Core CPU


32GB Flash SSD Drive





Intel HD Graphics

11.6" Display with 1366x768 resolution

Good battery

AC Cord

Windows 10 x86

Word, Excel, etc

Free antivirus and other useful computer cleaning tools

12 Month Free software Support

Free Virus Removal

Free Six month Tune Up

$199.00 Cash Debit Credit Paypal Accepted

Call 719-646-0288 or email if interested. More laptops desktops and services available at www.Compu-Marc.com

Close to half the folks calling me about buying a computer end up repairing their current computer, often for less than $50.00

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