Lenovo G580 i3  $299

Lenovo G580 laptop in great shape. Not a gamer, but good for normal everyday use with a bunch of windows open.

2.5GHz Intel i3-3120M CPU with four processing cores


500GB Hard Drive




Intel HD 4000 graphics with 32-1792MB available video memory

15.6" Dispay crisp and bright

Genuine Lenovo AC Cord

Batteries lasts 3+

Windows 10 Pro

Word, Excel, Etc

Photo Shop

Free Antivirus

12 Month Software Support

Free Six month Tune Up

Free Virus removal

$299 Cash Debit Credit Paypal accepted

Call 719-646-0288 or email if interested. More laptops, desktops, and services available at www.Compu-Marc.com

Close to half the folks calling me about buying a computer end up repairing their current computer, often for less than $50.00

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